Accused fined Rs1 million for sending obscene messages on WhatsApp

Accused appeal has also been rejected
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - The Federal Ombudsman Secretariat for Protection Against Harassment (FOSPAH) has imposed a Rs1 million fine on the accused for sending obscene messages on WhatsApp.
Hassan Ali Khan Laghari has been accused of harassment and given the penalty of Rs1 million for sending obscene messages on WhatsApp by FOSPAH Fouzia Waqar.
President House also confirmed FOSPAH decision and rejected the appeal of accused against FOSPAH order.
Therefore, FOSPAH decision on fine of Rs1 million is still intact.
FOSPAH spokesperson, Syeda Gulbadan got registered the complaint of sending in-decent WhatsApp messages against the accused; however, the accused rejected allegations against him.
FOSPAH declared the accused guilty for violation of law related to protection of women against workplace harassment.