What is Hania Aamir's recipe to tackle trolling?

What is Hania Amir’s recipe to tackle trolling?
(Web Desk) – Talented actor of the Pakistan’s showbiz industry Hania Aamir has talked about her method to tackle the online trolling.
She said a lot of her fans love her work however, a few of them have an issue with what she posts on the social media.
She said after her breakup with famous musician Asim Azhar occurred, she came under intense troll and received flak.
Talking about how she tackle online trolling, Hania said she does not read negative comments on her posts as they take their toll on one’s mental health if given undue importance.
She said she only gives attention to the loving comments from my friends and fans
“Some people will always going take an issue with what I do,” she added.
When asked by the host about her friendship and breakup with Asim, Hania said that she enjoyed those days too, adding she doesn’t regret the breakup at all.
The actress added in this regard that when something bad has to happen, there is nothing one can do at that time.