Will Mahira Khan star in Khalilur Rehman Qamar's film 'Mirza Jutt'?

The two celebrities have not been on good terms for several years
(Web Desk) - During an interview at a YouTube channel, Khalilur Rehman Qamar has revealed that most probably Mahira Khan will be cast in his upcoming film ‘Mirza Jutt’, surprising the viewers who are witness to a harsh statement Mahira Khan had given against Qamar after a fight with Marvi Sirmed on a live television show.
Reacting to her criticism, the famous writer of Pakistani drama and film industry had said he would not forgive Mahira Khan.
To a question if he has pardoned the actor, Qamar said, “It was my stance. Still I stick to it. So, we have to work, and it should continue despite differences.”
Khalilur Rehman Qamar is the most in demand and famous writer of Pakistani drama and film industry. He has been in a lot of spats publicly after he had a fight with Marvi Sirmed on a live television show.
He was called out by various celebrities including Mahira Khan who had given a statement against his behaviour on the said show.
They have been at odds since then and Qamar could not forgive Mahira for her statement as he has put it in several of his interviews.